Attempts to debilitate the EPA aren't over, however. Several moderate Democrats have expressed interest in a bill introduced by Senator Rockefeller to postpone EPA action by two years, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in the House have their own plans for trying to put off climate change mitigation efforts.
In April, Graham declined to introduce his own piece of legislation because Harry Reid talked about trying to tackle immigration this year. Then Reid backed down. Enter devastating environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. You'd think this would compel Graham and other moderates to move full-speed-ahead with climate legislation that will help wean us off of fossil fuels. Nope. Instead, Graham gets pissed about a provision that Kerry and Lieberman added giving states more influence in deciding whether to drill off their shores. Graham says he might still vote for the bill, but doesn't help move it anywhere. But now, it's all over. Graham's done with climate, and apparently done with energy too.
Harry Reid, in his usual fashion, is raising a white flag and offering to introduce an energy-only bill later this year, possibly with a cap-and-trade scheme added later as an amendment (fat chance). So after a bold leadership vote last year by the House, the most progressive Senate since 1980 forced a year of delay due to blind and foolish faith in Senator Graham and now election season is upon us. I wonder if Bangladesh is cool with waiting another few decades before the U.S. Senate realizes that this is actually a problem. Leave us alone, Bangladesh. We have oil spills to worry about.
Here's hoping that the Clean Air Act stays intact for the foreseeable future.
Images: Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
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